Information Under Regulation 46 And 62 Of The SEBI

(Listing Obligation And Disclosure Requirement)

Regulations, 2015



Shareholding Pattern / Unit Holding Pattern

Details of Agreements Entered into with the Media Companies and / or their Associates, etc; - Not Applicable
Schedule of Analysts or Institutional Investors meet and Presentations made by the listed entity to Analysts or Institutional Investors.- Not Applicable
New Name and the old Name of the Listed Entity for a Continuous Period of one year, from the date of the last name change - Not applicable
Credit Ratings - Not Applicable
Separate Audited Financial Statements of each subsidiary of the listed entity in respect of a relevant financial year, uploaded at least 21 days prior to the date of the annual general meeting which has been called to inter alia consider accounts of that financial year - Not Applicable
Statements of Deviation(s) or variation(s) as specified in regulation 32 - Not Applicable
Dividend Distribution Policy - Not Applicable